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International Project manager (rif. PM 01)

AISM lavora con noi


The Italian MS Society and its Foundation (FISM) is looking for an International project manager to join its Scientific Research Department. The candidate must have experience in European project management, especially in Horizon 2020 program. Must have knowledge of EU funding financial rules, organizational, communication and negotiation skills, and excellent English.

Main activities (reporting directly to the Project Coordinator/Leader):



- to identify appropriate call for proposals, assuring compliance with policies and eligibility criteria, to find scientific partners for collaborative projects  and support proposals development and submit application forms on different online portals.



- To build and update the project meetings plan preparing drafts of agenda, minutes and other relevant documents for meeting management;

- To monitor the project activities and give to the PC the state of play of tasks, deliverables, milestones anticipating the risks and deviation for the Work Plan

- To liaise with and coordinate the work of WP Leaders in order to ensure compliance to the project deadlines;

- To monitor interactions among WPs and support focused meetings whereas needed;

- To monitor Consortium Agreement rules application and report to PC potential critical issues;

- To coordinate the writing, editing, production and distribution of all EC project reports (management, and technical) (including early notice and remind of pending deadlines to partners, etc.);



- To supervise the financial reporting of expenses related to the project

- To provide support and supervise the financial and technical reporting tasks of the partners (

- To coordinate the production and distribution of all EC project financial reports



- Background in Science/Law/Political sciences/Economics

- English: C1 – Proficient (Listening, Reading, Spoken Interaction, Spoken Production, Writing)

- Computer technology skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, sharing folders (es.Dropbox), teleconference platform (es. GoToMeeting), etc.

- Good communication and interpersonal skills

- Predisposition to teamwork

- Proactivity

- Job flexibility and precision

- Availability to travel


I candidati  interessati potranno inviare il loro cv in lingua inglese all’indirizzo citando il riferimento PM 01.

Il presente annuncio si rivolge a candidati di ambo i sessi (L. 903/77).


I  dati personali saranno trattati da AISM e FISM esclusivamente per il perseguimento delle proprie finalità statutarie e, in particolare, per attività di selezione e valutazione del personale nel rispetto di quanto previsto dal Regolamento UE 679/16. Il conferimento dei dati personali è facoltativo, conferendo gli stessi presta automaticamente il consenso al loro trattamento nei limiti sopra evidenziati. Per maggiori informazioni sulle modalità di trattamento dei Suoi dati personali potrà consultare il sito AISM e FISM ( Saà possibile in ogni caso esercitare in qualsiasi momento i diritti di cui agli artt. 15-22 del Regolamento UE 679/16  contattando i Titolari AISM e FISM all’indirizzo o i Responsabili della Protezione dei dati AISM e FISM rispettivamente all’indirizzo e